Nope, he let it all hang out, resting on the edge of a grand piano, inexplicably standing on a spiral staircase, looking thoughtfully out a bay window, jauntily leaning on a candelabra, and posing on the obligatory animal-skin rug. Jim didn't do the normal celebrity Playgirl cover up. The September 1974 issue of Playgirl featured a four-page foldout of the former Cleveland Browns football player-turned-actor Jim Brown. The mag has managed to get their hands on nude shots of stars and published them. John James Playgirl Nude Gallery My Hotz Pic is related to TOM SELLECK PLAYGIRL OCT TOM SELLECK, Poseidon s Underworld Bulges You Can t Beat though, PLAYGIRL January JAMES CAAN Tom Gagen NUDE centerfold, BEST JOHN TRAVOLTA IMAGES JOHN TRAVOLTA CELEBRITIES.

Sure, he could have tried to top himself in Playgirl, but really, why mess with perfection? Its pretty rare for a celeb to show some skin in the pages of Playgirl, at least by choice. He already had - not for Playgirl, but for the famous 1972 Cosmopolitan shoot, which featured a hirsute Reynolds naked (his left arm strategically placed), reclining on a bear-skin rug, a cigarette dangling from his mouth. In 1981, everyone's main mustachioed stud Burt Reynolds appeared on the cover of Playgirl and gave an interview, which included the topic: "His Love Affair With Sally Is Not Over." It would be one year later.