The infamous smuggler has been stolen by none other than the reborn Crimson Dawn. Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #2 comes from Charles Soule and Luke Ross, and sees Boba Fett determined to get Solo's carbonite-encased body back into his possession and complete delivery to Jabba the Hutt.

Boba and Bossk are brawling ahead of Crimson's Dawn auction of Han Solo, putting to rest any question of who's the more skilled warrior. While the two bounty hunters have quite the history together, it seems as though money trumps any loyalty either might owe the other. In a new preview for Marvel's Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #2, the legendary Boba Fett crosses paths with none other than Bossk, the savage Trandoshan looking to collect the large bounty placed on Fett's head.